Monthly Vestry Meeting

Upstairs - Heritage Room

All Saints' Vestry (Leadership) meets on the second Tuesday of the month. Parish members are welcome to attend.

Weekly Healing Service

via Zoom

The weekly Wednesday Healing Services continue via Zoom and in person beginning at 10 AM. As has been the custom, the link information & bulletin will be in the newsletter the prior Friday.

Needlework and Crafting Fellowship Group

Parish Hall lounge

The needlework and crafting fellowship group meets  every other Thursday afternoon from 1-3 pm. We typically meet at a parishioner's home or in the Parish Hall lounge.  This fellowship group is open to all!  If you would like, please join us just to talk. No crafting required!  We work on our own personal projects, crafts […]

Boy Scout Troop 1792 meeting

Downstairs - Parish Hall

Troop 1792 meeting For more information, contact Patti Jones, Scoutmaster, at or check out their website at this  LINK 

All Saints Christmas Market

All Saints' Campus 100 Lower Marlboro Road, Sunderland, MD

Come and get your holiday shopping done with us! The holidays are barreling towards us and All Saints' Christmas Market will be a great place to shop for unique gifts for family and friends!  We will have expert crafters with sensational gifts ready for your holiday shopping, alomg with a silent auction, home-baked goods and […]

Outreach Breakfast

Downstairs - Parish Hall

All Saints Parish holds an Outreach Breakfast from September through May on the third Sunday between the worship services (approximately 9 AM to 10:15 AM). Everyone is invited, members of the community as well as the parish. The food is prepared by volunteer church members and is always DELICIOUS! Menus include bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes […]

Choir Rehearsal

Choir Room

If you enjoy singing, please consider joining us at 9:15 am on Sunday mornings in the Choir Room as we gather to rehearse music that enriches our worship at All Saints! For those who love to sing, but may not read music, rehearsal recordings can be provided to accommodate learning new pieces.

Event Series Sunday Late Service (Hybrid)

Sunday Late Service (Hybrid)

All Saints Episcopal Church

Welcome to our 10:30 AM Sunday worship service at All Saints’ Parish. This is a contemporary service with music.  You are always welcome!  This service is held in-person and on Zoom. The texts for the day may be accessed here: To join our Virtual (Zoom) Sunday worship service by pc, laptop or smart device, […]

Weekly Healing Service

via Zoom

The weekly Wednesday Healing Services continue via Zoom and in person beginning at 10 AM. As has been the custom, the link information & bulletin will be in the newsletter the prior Friday.

Needlework and Crafting Fellowship Group

via Zoom

The knitting/crocheting/crafting fellowship group meets on every other Thursday evenings from 6:30-8 pm. We have added this biweekly Zoom time to hopefully include those who are not available during the day. If you would like, please join us just to talk. No crafting required!  We work on our own personal projects, crafts for the Calvert […]

Longest Night Service

All Saints Episcopal Church

This service acknowledges the literal and metaphorical darkness that arises this time of year. But the Winter Solstice is also a turning point—an opportunity to mark the dark and turn toward the hope of light. We hope you can join us for this service of hope and a worship that moves from darkness to light.