Early Sunday Service
All Saints Episcopal ChurchJoin us on Sunday mornings at our 8:00 AM spoken Service (Rite I). (Or watch via Facebook, live-streamed on the All Saints Parish Facebook page).
Join us on Sunday mornings at our 8:00 AM spoken Service (Rite I). (Or watch via Facebook, live-streamed on the All Saints Parish Facebook page).
Join us for coffee, goodies and fellowship every Sunday in between services! Catch up with fellow parishioners, learn what’s going on, and make new friends!
Welcome to our 10:30 AM Sunday worship service at All Saints’ Parish. This is a contemporary service with music. You are always welcome! This service is held in-person and on Zoom. The texts for the day may be accessed here: https://www.lectionarypage.net/YearB_RCL/Advent/BAdv2_RCL.html To join our Virtual (Zoom) Sunday worship service by pc, laptop or smart device, […]